One of the most interesting things I have experience with is names. They are simple to understand but powerful to yield. Being a practitioner comes with the knowledge that words hold incredible power. This power is as old as the spoken word itself. Just as there’s belief that certain languages have more ancestral power embedded in it then others. There’s also the belief that certain names hold more weight than others. However, in our modern world are witches’ names even relevant or are they even more now necessary?
Witches’ names are exactly as they sound, names that belong to witches. However, these aren’t the names that you’re born with. The name you’re born with is more of a tell of your body and your bloodline. Your witch name is more so to tell who you are as a practitioner. Why and how we use witch names vary from practice to practice with similarities overlapping. There are two main thoughts out there. One to hide your real name and two to boost your spells. With this being the thought doesn’t that beg to differ that most people have at least two witches names? One they share and one they don’t?
Names given in initiation?
Depending on your tradition or practice your witch name is given by your elder or by spirit. If the purpose of this name is to be used in spell work. No one should have this name. Keep it private. I’ve been in relationships and never told them my witch’s name. When you go through an initiation it is kind of like a baptism, you die and then you are reborn.
Meaning that new name is the name of your soul while your birth name is that of your body. Hence why it is believed that the new name boosts your spells.
If you do group activities and want to protect your private life, creating a nickname of sorts would be better then using your witches name. Some of us out there may be in the broom closet. Not ready, willing, or able to tell family and friends.
Names given to us by spirit
For traditions that don’t require initiations, spirit can give you the name you will use. Many practitioners tend to go by these names and hide their birth name. It is believed to be the opposite in this case. Your witch’s name shows your authority. While hiding your true name and boosting your magic. It is only your birth name that can cause you any damage.
To be given a name by spirit in Hoodoo shows how truly connected you are. To these spirits, your bloodline, and the magic. The process of being given your name by spirit I feel is one that will happen to you when you are ready. Not when you’re just requesting one or wanting one. It is also an intimate and private process so I will not disclose the steps, spirit will guide you if it is your time.
Wiccan and Pagan Paths
There are some traditions that allow you to pick your own name, such as in some wicca and pagan paths. From my research this is a modern thing. Back when these gods had temples anyone could worship but an initiation process was required to work with these deities. You know ancient times. It is unclear if these Gods stopped requiring it or if their followers just stopped following tradition and ritual. Yes I am talking about Athena and Zeus and all of them.
Worshiping them was an honor you didn’t dare attack a priest or a priestess. They saw no need for hidden names. All they had was a title before their name.
With this being said, the witch’s name is believed to be similar to Hoodoo. It shows great power, authority, and importance. It also shields their birth name. Nowadays witches of these paths and traditions choose their own name. This was not a common practice for people of these faiths until much later when they had to worship in secret. The one individual I know says she doesn’t notice a difference when using her witch’s name. I am believe it is just for shielding
(Please understand that a lot of my knowledge comes from my experience, those around me, and scholar written or published books. I try to take little information from the internet as anyone can write anything and call it true).
For those in the public eye
For those of us in the public eye or setting it is always best to present a name that has no connection. This can be a name that just sounds cute. Don’t use a name that spirit led you too, don’t use a name given to you. Those names belong to you and therefore are you. I have seen and heard of the magic wars going across social media, someone throws at you for no reason other than not liking you.
Often it is people who isn’t even your target audience. (So like why are they even there who knows, monitoring spirits?) Someone who has the time to just throw at random people they have never met before. This isn’t the person who has something significant enough in their lives to keep them busy.
Running blogs, social media platforms, meeting brand deal deadlines are all time consuming things. We don’t have time for the internet beef although it might raise traction to your platform, but at what cost? How much money, time, and effort is going into this beef? How many brands wont give you a second chance because they don’t want to be associated with the drama? Or that this random person was able to cancel out with their workings? Save yourself the headache, use a cover name, the way that authors use pen names on their writings.
How to strengthen your name
Now there’s light at the end of the tunnel for those who believe their witch’s name isnt working or isn’t very strong. If your name was given to you by an elder, confirm you are pronouncing and spelling the name correctly. Some of my practices native language isn’t English so your name is given in that native language, meaning writing and pronouncing can be tricky. Confirmation is your key here.
Now if you have a tradition or practice that allows you to choose your own, confirm that you choose right. Check in with whatever spirit or deity that you work with, preferably with your ancestors if you work with them. Look at the meaning of that name. Did you pick a strong name but you’re a healer? Strong names are great. We all need strength but those names would be better for someone whose path aligns with being a protector. Having the right name is so important, it is in these names that we gain our power.
Working with your name will also make it stronger, look at the name, does it align more with earth magic but you keep lighting candles? Baby that’s fire you’re working against it, now if you’re dressing your candles in herbs that can be different. Are you initiated under a water spirit? Work more with baths. Earth spirit? Working with herbs like in teas, grounding. Air? Prayers, spoken spells, or meditation will be your best bet. Your name is your name for a reason, work with it and see how that goes. But also you have to work with it, the more you use it the more power in that connection.
How to Pick your Name
Now for what I am sure most of you came for anyway, how to find your witches name. Sadly this isn’t a simple answer. You can go based on numerology and with that being the case I would suggest this post as your resource. It teaches you the number associated with each letter, how to find your life path number, and how to find your name utilizing both. Going into a meditative state in attempts to connect with your guides or deities has also been a proven method for some to be given a name. When you see them in the meditation ask them for it. (This would only be my recommendation if you know how to block other things out in order to hear them correctly). You can also just search names that align with your path or purpose. If your path is rocky maybe find something for protection.
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