It’s a new year and that means new opportunities. It’s an annual mantra to say new year new me. To make that new you stick, you’ll need some actual changes. Something that comes with a new you is sadly, new challenges. Some of us towards the end of the year experienced more challenges than others. Some of us have been feeling stuck, it just hadn’t clicked yet. Baby those roads are blocked!
Road opener work is great for reopening roads that were closed. It is also useful to keep your roads open if you know you have something important going on. When your roads are closed, every move you make will feel wrong. This happens because nothing good will come from it. Blocked roads have sent successful people on downward spirals.
Sometimes roads are closed due to your own actions. Sometimes it’s because of someone’s jealousy of you, that’s why you need to move in silence. You also need to be aware of your surroundings. Road openers remove blockages, this can be people, places, things, or situations. So if you do a road opener and start losing friends, they are a blockage. If you break up with your significant other, they are also a blockage. You might even lose your job but that’s to put you in a better situation.
Out with the old in order to bring in the new. Keep this in mind. However they aren’t always so intense. Road openers tend to be every simple workings, the more intense the ritual the more intense the road opening. If you perform a simple road opener, you won’t add in much ashé (energy). You will notice only mild changes. However, you won’t see every road open because some roads will still have blockages.
You can work with your ancestors to find out which areas of your life need a road opener. They can also help decide if a road opener is even needed. No sense in turning your life upside down if you don’t need to essentially.
I want everyone to have a successful 2025. Or at least the year that you deserve. Let your year be based on the work you put into it and not because your roads were affected.
Just some Tips:
- I like to use sigils, seals, and etc in my workings to give it some more ashé
- I start my workings on Monday in the Jupiter hour. In every tradition I have knowledge in the deity over paths, their day is on a Monday. Road openers just happen to have Jupiter energy.
- I say out loud what I want each herb to do so they know what their job is.
- I prefer to use a 7 day candle and I draw my symbol on the candle.
- If you use a key in your road opener work, wear it. It keeps the spell going. All you have to do is refresh it. If you ever need to redo the road opener use the same key. The power within that key will get stronger and stronger over time.
- Always do a reading before and after to make sure everything is good. It’s not going to hurt to read during the spell but I only do before and after.
- I don’t do the same road opener each time. What I do is based on what I feel like my current situation is. If I feel like I can’t get an apartment or a job or have a hard time finding opportunities.
Ways to protect yourself:
- Don’t tell people anything until after it’s happened and only tell people who genuinely care for you.
- Cut out people who don’t genuinely care for you, ask your ancestors to identify those people. You would be surprised that people that you’ve trusted for so long actually secretly hated you. It sucks and it will hurt but once the initial shock wears off and you think about it. You’ll realize that your ancestors were right. Don’t seek closure either and don’t give out an explanation. Be done and move forward.
- Stay up on your protection work not only for yourself but for your house and car as needed.
- Wear your crystals, talismans, and etc.
(Saints are what Hoodoo’s normally work with. Considering this is a Hoodoo blog all of us should be Hoodoo practitioners at least. So it should work. Do your research before working with that saint. Some of them do have specifications. I will hold your hand, and look you in the eye. While I will use my other hand to hold your chin. I want to make sure you don’t look away when I say this. Do your own research. Don’t call on any of them if you haven’t researched. All of them have specifications. The question is, what kind of result do you want? How far are you willing to go?)
Saint Anthony- Finding what is lost, so if your lost on your path, on your way.
Saint Michael- To break the blockage down.
St. Catherine of Sienna- To make necessary changes.
Santa Teresa- To make changes and have discipline.
James the Great- Devotion to your path, be careful you might be required to prove how much.
John the Baptist- All imma say is he gave up so much just to have a conversation with God. He didn’t get the life of his wildest dreams, he got a conversation. Let that sink in, if you ask him for help……. Yeah. Be prepared.
Herbs and Plants
You don’t have to use these herbs. You can pick and choose which ones you use. If you choose to use them and think to yourself nah this list doesn’t look right, change it. Always follow what your intuitions and ancestors tell you. This is why under tips I said to read before doing the work. I ask my spirits if a herb or candle color is right for me. Some of the herbs listed they have said no to in the past. This isn’t even my full spell. This is a base. A general idea to give you a guide.
Coffee- Efficiency. Work smarter not harder.
Nutmeg- Attract Luck.
Cinnamon- Speed. We don’t have time to wait 10 years for the life we want to live.
Ginger- Break barriers. Something is blocking the path, move it out the way.
Bay Leaf- Opportunities. Opportunities was stolen or removed from you, get them back.
Dandelion- Manifestations. Get what you want.
Lavender- Peace. Because if things have to be removed that I wasn’t expecting let it not be hard for me.
Abre Camino- Is the road opener herb.
Candle Colors
White: All purpose color.
Orange: Road opener color.
Red: Common color amongst the deities over roads.
Colors associated with Jupiter: Blue, Light Green, and Purple
Days of the Week
Monday: Day associated with deities over roads.
Thursday: Jupiter energy
Dirt from a crossroads if nothing is going right and all paths seem closed.
Dirt from a fork if you seem to be pulled in two directions.
Key to unlock your paths
Moon Phase
1st Quarter
When it comes to the element. If you pick herbs that have these elemental energies, it can help give your spell a little boost. It’s not necessary. Sometimes worrying about stuff like this can over complicate the spell. However, if your spells aren’t coming out right, looking more into the herbs and their properties can help. It can help you identify what you need to stick with for a more successful outcome.
Tarot Card
The Wheel of Fortune
The Devil
The Chariot
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