Hello I am so happy you found the website so quickly however we are still in the building stages! The website will be launching soon however until then please remain patient. Since you are here go ahead and bookmark or star the site so your able to come back again. (If you like me just leave it open on a random tab).
This blog will have information concerning all things witch and witchcraft. As well as general lifestyle since I am a hoodoo practitioner. (Hoodoo is embedded in the culture at this point). Sometimes I will post my personal opinion on some things (even though it may not be popular). I also want to be transparent with you on here as well. This is a journey we don’t need to feel alone.
I will be posting content every Tuesday morning, with the intentions of eventually dropping podcast episodes in the future. The podcast will drop every Wednesday. I do plan on making the Podcast coexist with the blog however there will be times when they don’t line up. Also they will contain different content when they do! Also there is an instagram account coming soon….. soonish. I am taking my time. I want to make sure I am consistent with what I am doing before I add on other things. Slow and steady wins the race.
I also plan on adding on an advice column and add on more authors who are experts in their specific area. I want this to be a space where everyone can grow and get the best information possible. Plus theres enough for everybody to eat theres no need or point in being stingy.
Check out my About Me in the mean time. Hopefully it is enough to keep you interested enough to come back
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